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Vayeshev: And Yehuda Went Down

"And Yehuda saw her [his daughter-in-law Tamar], and he thought she was a harlot, because her face…

Rabbi Natan Slifkin, the "Zoo Rabbi," To Start Online Class

Rabbi Natan Slifkin, the "Zoo Rabbi," will continue his online series on Science and Rationalism on…

Rabbi Kalonymos Kalman Shapira: Jewish Spirituality and the Holocaust, Chanukah 1942

Dr. Don Seeman will present a lecture on Rabbi Kalonymos Kalman Shapira: Jewish Spirituality and…

Shabbat 56: Rabbinic Cover-Up

Interpreting Scripture is no easy feat. One of the difficulties in understanding biblical…

Shabbat 54b: Minding Others' Business

“The cow of Rav Elazar ben Azaria used to go out on Shabbat with a strap between its horns, against…

Vayishlach: Jacob, the Lonely Man of Faith

Avraham Avinu is known as "ha'Ivri" as the world was on one side, and he was alone on the other. It…

Shabbat 46a: Going Barefoot

One of the inspiring things we see in the many stories found in the Talmud is the realistic…

Shabbat 49a: The Wrong Reason

The Talmud teaches that everything is dependent on mazal, “even the Sefer Torah in the ark”. Some…

Dr. Boruch Sterman Presents The Rediscovery of Tekhelet

Dr. Boruch Sterman will begin his three-part online lecture series on The Rediscovery of Tekhelet…

Vayetze: Searching for G-d

Yaakov is fleeing his home, afraid that his brother will try to kill him. Night is coming, and…

Central Europe Tour 2013 Announced

Journey Through Jewish History: Central Europe 2013 is ready to go! For more information, see http…

Shabbat 33: Let's Talk

One of the differences between Talmudic rabbis and those of the post-Talmudic era is the “ability”…

The Eleventh Hour Has Arrived

The Eleventh Hour: Iran, America, Israel, and the Future of the World will take place TONIGHT.…

Toldot: Blind Love

How sad when parents do not understand their children, and are unaware of what they’re up to.…

Shabbat 31b: One-Foot Judaism

One of the most famous Talmudic stories is that of the potential convert who conditioned his…

Shabbat 31: No Need to Cram

Having the questions of an exam in advance would seem to be a big advantage. Yet often, such…

The Joy of Mitzvoth: Shabbat 30

Rav Moshe Feinstein noted that one of the tragedies of American Jewish life was the common notion…

Alive in Our Memories: Shabbat 30

“The rabbis wanted to bury the book of Kohelet, as its words contradict one another” (30b). The…