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Behar-Bechukotai: End of the Story

“These are the commandments that G-d has commanded Moshe to the children of Israel on Mount…

Eiruvin 43a: Too Busy for Mashiach

One of the educational goals of the Sages--especially as the exile wore on--was was to…

Eiruvin 41b: The Face of Gehenom

We have often discussed the terrible tragedy of poverty. Without changing that perspective,…

Eiruvin 41b: Going Out of Your Mind

Poverty is a terrible curse, one that has been the unfortunate lot of many Jews over the years.…

Eiruvin 36b: My Teacher, My Friend

The Daf Yomi thought is dedicated by the family of Dr. Solomon Burack, ob"m in observance…

Eiruvin 31a: Home Sweet Home

Both an eiruv techumim, which allows one to walk an additional 2,000 cubits (…

Eiruvin 32a: Time to Sin

At times, what seems like a very technical debate on some (even no longer relevant) aspect of…

Eiruvin 26b: Rules Are Made to Be Broken

The Talmud as a whole, and especially the Mishna, is first and foremost a vast corpus of Jewish law…

Kedoshim: Hating Your Neighbour

One of the most powerful ways to express hatred is to refuse to speak to someone, or to just…

Yom Ha'atzmaut: From Yom HaZikaron to Yom Ha'atzmaut

This d'var Torah is dedicated in honour of the participants in Chidon HaTanach, the 50th…

Eiruvin 21b: Rabbi Akiva's Water

It is hard to imagine one more dedicated to Torah than Rabbi Akiva. Despite the fact that he did…

Eiruvin 19: Abraham to the Rescue

"G-d wanted to give merit to the Jewish people; therefore, He increased for them Torah and…

Shemini: Counting to Eight

"And it was on the eighth day" (Vayikra 9:1). While this verse is the beginning of a new…

Eiruvin 19a: Going to Gehenom

"Rav Yirmiya ben Elazar said, there are three entrances to Gehenom: one in the desert, one in…

Eiruvin 17a: Pesach and the Salt of Sedom

"Four obligations were nullified in a [military] camp" (Eiruvin 17a). The Torah goes to…

Eiruvin 13b: Following Beit Shammai

It is well known that the halacha, with rare exceptions, follows the opinion of Beit Hillel…

Eiruvin 13a: Just One Letter

"When I [Rav Meir] came to Rabbi Yishmael, he said to me, 'My son, what is your occupation…

Eiruvin 6b: Choosing Your Rabbi

Traditionally, Jewish law allowed for a good deal of local autonomy in the application of Jewish…