While Korbanot tzibbur, public offerings, were sacrificed on Shabbat and Yom Tov--and serve as…
Nitzavim: Minding My Business
“Lest there be a man or a women or a family or tribe...when they hear this curse, they will bless…
Pesachim 64b: You're Out of Here!
Akavya ben Mehalelel is best known for the teaching, “Focus on three things, and you will not…
Pesachim 62: To Teach or Not to Teach
"Rav Simlai came in front of Rav Yochanan and asked him to teach him Sefer Yuchsin, the Book…
Pesachim 60: The Forest and the Tree
Some of the most fundamental mitzvoth of the Torah are stated in the vaguest of terms, with few…
Pesachim 56: Medical School
The greatest blessing one can have is that of good health. And aside from the three cardinal sins…
Ki Tavo: Real Estate Talk
The central aspect of the Pesach seder is the mitzvah of sippur yetziat mitzraim, retelling and…
Pesachim 54: The Heart of Darkness
Man, unique amongst all creations, was blessed by G-d with a soul. We are not just physical…
Pesachim 50b: The Wrong Reason
Our tradition has long taught that it is a great mitzvah to do the right thing, even if for the…
Pesachim 50: Custom-Made
This Daf Yomi Thought is dedicated in honour of the upcoming wedding of Yonah Dorfman to…
Ki Teze: Finders Weepers, Losers Keepers
It is often hard for us to realize that concepts we take for granted are foreign to others. That…
Pesachim 49b: Shul Weapons
To produce excellence, a certain degree of elitism is required. We are influenced by those around…
Pesachim 49a: A Pesach Wedding
Getting married is a very big deal, and a mitzvah that supersedes almost all else. And like all…
Pesachim 47: Eating on Yom Kippur?
The Yomim Tovim celebrate monumental events in Jewish history. The focus of these days is on…
Dr. Bryna Levy to Speak at Or Chaim on Shabbat
Dr. Bryna J. Levy will be scholar in residence at the Or Chaim Minyan on Shabbat, Parshat Shoftim,…
Shoftim: Seeking Justice
Almost always, wrongdoing requires that people work together to perpetrate such. As has been…
Some Impressions of South African Jewry
Having just returned from the Torah in Motion African Safari, I would like to share some…
Pesachim 37: Designer Matzah
Matzah is the most basic of foods. Mix some grain with water and bake ASAP, and presto! We have the…