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Yoma 72: Time For Some Fun

"Any Torah scholar whose inside is not like his outside [whose piety does not match…

Mishpatim: Follow the Leader

"Do not be a follower of the majority for bad, do not respond to a grievance by yielding to…

Yoma 70: Don't Waste My Time

Torah reading as we know it today is a rabbinic innovation, beginning with Moshe Rabbeinu who--…

Yoma 67: A Cliffhanger

The ritual of the sa'ar la-azazel is a most incomprehensible one. Howcan …

Yoma 66b: A Walk in the Desert

"Some of the nobility of Jerusalem would escort him to the first booth" (Yoma 66b).…

Yitro: Hear Ye, Hear Ye

"And Yitro, the priest of Midian, the father-in-law of Moshe, heard all that G-d did for Moshe…

Yoma 66a: Barbers in the Temple

"Everybody is eligible to walk it, but the kohanim made a permanent rule not to let…

Yoma 66: Between the Lines

One of great and tragic figures in our Talmudic corpus is that of Rabbi Eliezer ben Hyrkanus.…

Yoma 62: Luck of the Draw

For years, one of the most anticipated dates on the Jewish calendar was Rabbi Soloveitchik’s…

Beshalach: Up in Arms

This week's devar Torah is dedicated in honour of the upcoming wedding of Miriam Libman and…

Yoma 54: Love in the Temple

The relationship between G-d and the Jewish people is often compared to that of a husband and wife…

Yoma 53: Please Shorten Your Prayers

Mashechet Yoma delineates the special Temple service performed on Yom Kippur in great detail--and…

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We are offering a free download of the mp3 recording of our recent program, The Agunah Crisis: New…

Yoma 52: There's No Way to Know

Great literature lends itself to multiple, even contradictory, interpretations. And the Bible is--…

Bo: All Together Now

This d’var Torah is sponsored by Claire and Howard Glowinsky l'ilui nishmas Chanah bas…

Yoma 48: Try a Little Harder

One of the major debates in Jewish law is whether mitzvoth require kavanah, intent to fulfill the…

Yoma 47: Raising Great Children

There is nothing more challenging and important, for a parent and for a community, than raising…