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Yoma 12: Messianic Laws

The opening Mishnah of Yoma teaches that a backup kohen gadol was to be prepared lest…

Rabbi Dr. Yehudah Mirsky to Serve as Scholar in Residence at Or Chaim Minyan

Rabbi Dr. Yehudah Mirsky will be a scholar in residence at the Or Chaim Minyan on Shabbat of …

Vayeshev: The President and the Viceroy

One of the messages I try to hammer home to my students is that everything in the Torah can be…

Yoma 10: Home Sweet Home

“And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house” (Devarim 6:9). The mitzvah of…

Yoma 9: Sinning in Secret

Although it is mashechet Gittin (55b-57b) that records the stories relating to the destruction of…

Yoma 8: Dying for Glory

About twenty-five years ago, a series of studies[1] found that upwards of 50% of elite athletes…

Yoma 3: To Work or Study

"Abba Chanan said, in the name of Rav Elazar: One verse says, 'make for you an ark of…

Yoma: Some Opening Thoughts

Seder Moed, the order of Mishnah dealing with our festivals, begins with Shabbat and includes such…

Pesachim Comes to a Close

Mashechet Pesachim details the events of the busiest day of the year, beginning with the search for…

Pesachim 120: What's On the Menu?

With the destruction of the Temple, the focus of the seder menu shifted from the eating of the…

Toldot: And He Grew Up

"Vayigdal Haish, and the man grew up and grew more and more, until he became very big…

Pesachim 117: King of the Poets

Great poetry resonates across generations and even cultures, with all finding different layers of…

Pesachim 113: The Chicken, the Prostitute, and the Rabbi

The Netziv, in his commentary on Chumash, explains that the first verse of the priestly blessing…

Chayei Sarah: Like Mom and Dad

“And Yitzchak brought her to the tent of his mother; and he took Rivka, and she was for him a wife…

Pesachim 113: A Love/Hate Relationship

In our last Daf Yomi Thought we spoke of the three people whom G-d loves.

Daf Yomi Pesachim 113b: Reciprocal Love

G-d's greatest gift to man is that He created us in His image. As heretical as it sounds,…

Vayera: 20/20 Vision

It is a truism that two people can look at the same thing, yet see something quite different. One…

Pesachim 113: Praise From the Lord

Our Sages have long recognized that the desires for money, honour, and sexual gratification are…