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Sukkah 30: Why Steal a Lulav?

My first introduction to the writings of Rabbi Soloveitchik was in yeshiva in Israel when I…

Sukkah 27: I Love My Sukkah

Considering that one is supposed to live in one’s sukkah as one lives in one’s home one…

Sukkah 26: I'm Too Busy

"Rabbi Yossi Haglilee used to say: One who is involved in a mitzvah is exempt from another…

Sukkah 22: Seeing Stars

One of the basic requirements of a sukkah is that the s'chach  provide more shade…

Parshat Shekalim (Pekudei): Pre-empting Haman

“Reish Lakish said: It was well known beforehand to Him at whose word the world came into…

Sukkah 21: Time to Go to Bed

As important as classroom education may be, informal education is often more valuable. "The…

Sukkah 17: No Walls

"For G-d is bringing you to a good land...a land of wheat, barley, grapes, figs,…

Sukkah 14: Open Your Heart

The halachic system, like all legal systems, is on based on verifiable actions. What one may think…

Sukkah 11: If You Build It...

While the Jerusalem Talmud rules that one makes a bracha upon construction of a sukkah (…

Sukkah 6: What's in a Letter?

In 1878, Yehuda Leib Gordon published a poem, Kotzo shel yud, in which he pokes

Sukkah 4: Reach for the Top

The Gemara derives the minimum height of a sukkah from two separate and very distinct sources. In…

Sukkah 2: It's Who You Know

We eat matza on Pesach to commemorate the matza eaten by our ancestors as slaves in Egypt and as…

Perfect Practice: Some Opening Thoughts on Masechet Sukkah

Masechet Sukkah holds a special place in my heart, being the first tractate I learned cover to…

Some Concluding Thoughts on Masechet Yoma

Masechet Yoma deals almost exclusively with mitzvoth between man and G-d. Most of the tractate…

Yoma 77: Swimming on Yom Kippur

“Our Sages compared the (positive) mitzvoth in the Torah to the limbs of the body and (the…

Terumah: Volunteers Needed

Immediately after the Divine revelation at Sinai, the Torah in Parshat Mishpatim presents a long…

Yoma 75: The Penalty Box

One of the most challenging roles for a parent or teacher is to figure out how to administer…

Yoma 74: Great Looking Food

Thanks to Rabbi Jonathan Ziring for his help with this Daily Daf and with countless other divrei…