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Pesachim 88: Watch Those Dates

It is amazing how a slight change in perspective can make a huge difference. "R. Hiyya taught…

Pesachim 87b: We Want Converts

We generally tend to view exile from the land of Israel as punishment for our sins, an apparent…

Sukkot: No Pain, No Gain

The Talmud classifies sukkah as a mitzvah kalla, a light and easy mitzvah. Where one must be…

Yom Kippur: 20/20 Vision

In trying to develop the potential of man, the Mussar movement[1] developed two different…

Pesachim 68b: Fasting or Feasting

The Gemara (Pesachim 68b) records a debate as to the proper way to celebrate Yom Tov. Rabbi Eliezer…

Pesachim 68: Timing Is Everything

The korban pesach entailed many steps, both before and after its slaughter; and the Mishnah lists…

Rosh Hashanah: A Matter of Time

Rosh Hashanah marks the beginning of the new year. But strangely, it does not mark the end of the…

Pesachim 66: People Power

One of the underlying pillars of democratic thought is confidence in the people to make the right…

Pesachim 66a: A Humble Lesson for Hillel

While Korbanot tzibbur, public offerings, were sacrificed on Shabbat and Yom Tov--and serve as…

Nitzavim: Minding My Business

“Lest there be a man or a women or a family or tribe...when they hear this curse, they will bless…

Pesachim 64b: You're Out of Here!

Akavya ben Mehalelel is best known for the teaching, “Focus on three things, and you will not…

Pesachim 62: To Teach or Not to Teach

"Rav Simlai came in front of Rav Yochanan and asked him to teach him Sefer Yuchsin, the Book…

Pesachim 60: The Forest and the Tree

Some of the most fundamental mitzvoth of the Torah are stated in the vaguest of terms, with few…

Pesachim 56: Medical School

The greatest blessing one can have is that of good health. And aside from the three cardinal sins…

Ki Tavo: Real Estate Talk

The central aspect of the Pesach seder is the mitzvah of sippur yetziat mitzraim, retelling and…

Pesachim 54: The Heart of Darkness

Man, unique amongst all creations, was blessed by G-d with a soul. We are not just physical…

Pesachim 50b: The Wrong Reason

Our tradition has long taught that it is a great mitzvah to do the right thing, even if for the…

Pesachim 50: Custom-Made

This Daf Yomi Thought is dedicated in honour of the upcoming wedding of Yonah Dorfman to…