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Kedoshim: Seeking Holiness

The line between greatness and failure is so small as to be unrecognizable, often revealing itself…

Shabbat Chol Hamoed: Worshipping Idols

It is hard to imagine a more impactful ritual than that of our weekly Torah reading. While its…

Metzora: Talk It Up

Our Rabbis saw a link between the spiritual sin of lashon hara, slander and gossip, and the…

Election Issues

Technological advances are rapidly changing the nature of almost all that we do. Many of the…

Prison Insights

In an almost unbelievable application of the verse, “Love your neighbour as yourself”, our Sages…

VaYakhel: Seven Days a Week

The primacy of Shabbat as the foundation stone of Judaism is self-evident. Shabbat is the …

Ki Tisa: Striving for 100%

We have all been taught that it is the holiday of Shavuot that commemorates the giving of the…

A Perfect Game

It is rare indeed to look to professional athletes for moral guidance. We learned long ago that the…

Mishpatim: It's Not Who You Know

Knowing the right people is, more often than not, the key to success in the modern world. We…

Beshalach: War Time

Our long sojourn in Egypt was meant to develop those character traits necessary to transform the…

Bo: Alarm Clock

“And Pharaoh awoke, he and all his officials and all the rest of Egypt. There was a great cry…

Vayigash: Below the Surface

“He kissed all his brothers and wept on their shoulders, and afterwards his brothers spoke …

Chanukah: Down Memory Lane

We tend to assume that, with the recital of the shir shel yom, the daily psalm—or Aleinu…

An 'A' for Effort

One of the key aspects of the world of business is the crucial importance of the bottom line. And…

Vayishlach: Two is a Crowd

It is for good reason that co-wives are described as tzarot, literally, problems. Competing as they…

Good Luck, Mr. Mayor

In electing Rob Ford as mayor, voters in the city of Toronto have voted for change. Our mayor-elect…

VaYera: Late Arrival

Our Sages assert that the Torah pre-dates the creation of the world, in essence serving as the…

Sukkot: Seeing Double

This week’s d’var Torah is sponsored by Gershon and Leah Vandenbrink with best wishes for a joyous…