For weeks the GM and Chrysler have been warning that unless their workers make major wage…

If You Will It
Family feuds, especially around money, can get very nasty. Throw in some religious tension and…

The Future is Now
Tzedakah has become big business. With the amazing amounts of wealth created in the post war period…

Yitro: Nine Commandments
This week's d’var Torah is sponsored by Dr. Charles and Nathalie Piwko in observance of the…

Candid Camera
The proliferation of technology has added new meaning to the Talmudic teachings that “there is a…

Fit For Leadership
Our Sages, ever so perceptive of human nature, note that a person reveals his true self through his…

Vaera: Status Quo
"And they did not listen to Moshe, from short spirit and hard work" (7:9). Moshe had a daunting…

Vayechi: Dual Loyalty
"If you really want to do me a kindness... act towards me with truth and kindness and do not bury…

In G-d we Trust
With the drop in net worth that many have experienced I had planned to write about the need for…

Higher Markets
As the financial markets continue on their wild rides analysts form all walks of life continue…

Hiding Economic News
“Whomever has a hundred desires two hundred” our Sages declare with their keen insight into human…

Lech Lecha: Informed Consent
Judaism and modern western thought both teach the supremacy of man's freedom of choice. For…

Unworthy Aid
Tragically natural disasters are a relatively common occurrence. The scene is familiar – pictures…

The Credit Crunch
With the United States and possibly the world economy teetering on the brink of recession, central…

Donation Dispute
How sad when the giving of a large charitable gift becomes the source of friction and law suits. In…

Teacher Salaries
Long gone are the days when teachers were those who could find no other employment. Thank G-d our…

Tetzaveh: Nameless, But Not Forgotten
What's in a name? Clearly, names played an important role to our Biblical ancestors. …

Shemot: No Names
Sefer Shemot, literally, “book of names”, seems to be a misnomer for our Parsha. (Rabbinic…