The right to privacy is one the Jewish law views with great seriousness. It is rooted in the Jewish…

French Firings
Over the past few weeks French authorities have faced fierce opposition to their proposed law…

Terumah: The Moving Ark
Just as the Shabbat is the pinnacle of physical creation, the Mishkan is the pinnacle of spiritual…

Hostile Takeovers
Acquisition of other companies has become a favourite method of corporate growth. With many large…

Sick Leave
Western work conditions take it as a given that employees are paid for many days for which they do…

Election Etiquette
The saintly Chafetz Chaim, Rav Yisroel Meir Kagan of Radin (d.1933) in his classic work on the…

Mikketz: Joseph's Pain
That one has a natural love for one's place of birth is a truism long recognized by our Talmudic…

VaYishlach: Changing Names
Names play a significant role in Jewish thought. A cursory glance at the names given to the twelve…

VaYetze: Why Leave Home?
It is quite evident that Yitzchak and Rivka had differences of opinion regarding the difficult task…

Layoff Policy
The recently announced massive layoffs at General Motors have employees at the many industries…

VaYera: Moderating Chesed
Judaism eschews extremism. This obligation to be moderate is codified into law by no less an…

Appointing Judges
The role of the judiciary in North America has been at the forefront of the news in recent days. In…

Breisheet: Science and Torah
“In the beginning G-d created the heaven and the earth” (1:1). Light, sky, land…

Returning Charity
Judaism abhors outright hypocrisy. Therefore a mitzvah performed as a direct result of a…

Lech Lecha: The First Child
"Sarai said to Abram, 'G-d has kept me from having children. Come to my concubine; perhaps…

Get it in Writing
Get it in writing. This piece of advice has as its implicit assumption that it is the written word…

African Aid
Should the Western world forgive African debt?

Firing Fellows
Providing employment for the needy – and most would be needy if not for their jobs – is considered…