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Workers Beware

Accepting personal responsibly for ones actions is one of the fundamental precepts of Judaism. “Man…

Bureaucratic Bumbling

The allegations emanating from the Gomery inquiry implicating the governing Liberal Party of Canada…

Taking Personal Responsibility

The conviction of former Worldcom Inc. chairman Bernard Ebbers on multiple counts of fraud and the…

Courts and the Beit Din

“The law of the land is the law”. This fundamental principle of law obligates Jews to be loyal…

Suing For Bad Advice

Can one sue for bad advice?

Legal Tax Planning

As we approach the year end we are bombarded with article after article explaining how a little…

Corporate Altruism

The modern day corporation has as one of its primary features the separation of the ownership and…

"Donating" Organs

Health care and economics are an often volatile mix. Just ask our first ministers. The Canadian…

He Shoots He Doesn't Score

With Canadian hockey fans facing lots of free time on Saturday nights what might Jewish law have to…

Faith in G-d

When we think of the Yamim Noraim our thoughts focus on such items as family, prayer, repentance,…

For the Love of Money

Judaism has never looked askance at acquiring wealth. Without livelihood there can be no Torah, our…

Interesting Times

The Biblical prohibition against charging interest seems to be out of place in a modern day economy…

Workers Religious Limitations

We are most fortunate to live in a country where the religious rights of workers are protected.…

Public Workers and Government Contracts

Jewish ethos sees economic activity as part and parcel of a moral way of life bringing us closer to…

Motivation for Public Servants

Judaism has always regarded the misuse of public funds to be a most grievous sin. Whereas Jewish…

Vayikra: Lasting Impressions

Modern psychological research has shown that infants begin processing information even before they…

Pesach Water

When asked what law is most important in the baking of matza, Rav Yisroel Salanter the 19th century…

Tzedakah Allocations

The mitzvah of tzedakah consist of both a private and public component. The public charity…