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Donation Dispute

How sad when the giving of a large charitable gift becomes the source of friction and law suits. In…

Teacher Salaries

Long gone are the days when teachers were those who could find no other employment. Thank G-d our…

Tetzaveh: Nameless, But Not Forgotten

What's in a name? Clearly, names played an important role to our Biblical ancestors. …

Shemot: No Names

Sefer Shemot, literally, “book of names”, seems to be a misnomer for our Parsha.  (Rabbinic…

Vayigash: Simple Faith

After twenty-two difficult years, Yaakov was informed that his beloved son Yosef was the Viceroy of…

VaYetze: Ignoring G-d's Promise

Yaakov Avinu was on the run. Forced to leave home after "stealing" the birthright from his brother…

Toldot: Raising Children

There is no greater challenge than that of raising refined children. It is a task with so many…

Chayei Sarah: Beyond Death

Our patriarchs and matriarchs did not have easy lives. Each faced problems of famine, of wandering…

Firing for Gossip

Office chatter has long been a staple of the workplace. While such occasional chit chat can serve…

Fair Funding Lessons

Despite pockets of great wealth many Jews continue to live below the poverty line, and middle class…

Ekev: The Big Bribe

The greatness of a person is revealed by the little things that one does. The greater the person,…

Rolling the Dice

The accusations against an official of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in a gambling…

VaEtchanan: It's Your Fault

"And G-d was angry at me for your sakes (lemanchem) and would not hear me. And G-d said to me,…

Tisha B'Av: Evading Responsibility

“But the Second Temple, that they were involved in Torah and Mitzvoth and Gemilot Chasadim (loving…

More Work Pays Less

The obligation to pay a worker on time is so central to Jewish ethics that failure to do is a…

Chukat: Dying of Thirst

One of the most beautiful and impactful aspects of the Torah is its description of the humanity of…

Yom Yerushalayim: Sason and Simcha

Numbers play a significant, if usually symbolic, role in Jewish thought. Perhaps the most symbolic…

Communal Education

The ever increasing costs of Jewish education have been the focus of many articles recently…