One of the causes for disappointment with the generation that left Egypt was their constant…

Shavuot: A New Holiday
The shalosh regalim of Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot are a celebration of great historic events…

Emor: Religious Secularism
Two of the most dangerous threats to society are religious fanaticism and rampant secularism. The…

Pesach: Where Is Hallel?
It is the holiday of Pesach that celebrates our becoming a nation and is the cornerstone of Judaism…

Legal Proceedings
The riveting financial news of the past month has been the trial of Conrad Black; accused of fraud…

Pesach Economics
One of the guiding principles in responding to questions of Jewish law is the economic impact one’s…

The Economics of Health Care
Health care and economics can make for a volatile mix, and involving political rhetoric on the…

Parting Pay
It used to be that when one was let go for unacceptable performance the rewards were few and far…

Final Sales
One of the challenges facing retailers during the frantic holiday season is dealing with returns of…

Taxing Trusts
The economic news of the past week (in Canada) has focused on the new rules regarding the taxation…

Matrimonial Assets
One of the hallmarks of Western society is the distinction between the legal and ethical realms. It…

Lech Lecha: Finding G-d
"G-d said to Abraham, ‘Go away from your land, from your birthplace, and from your…

Sinning Begets Sinning
“Al Chet, For the sin which we have sinned before thee with our commercial dealings, B’masah umatan…

Stolen and Found
Included in the many tragedies of war are those in the economic sphere. While loss of money pales…

Traveling Taxes
The French government recently approved plans for a new tax on airline tickets, to be levied on all…

The Strike Price
Recently, we in Toronto awoke to news that due to an (illegal) wildcat strike there was to be no…

Korach: Honour the Enemy
The name Korach is synonymous with Machloket shelo leshem shamoyim, arguments that are not for the…

Yom Ha'atzmaut: Redemption and Return
Rav Soloveitchik was asked why our generation was the one to merit witnessing the creation of the…