Explore the treasures of TiM's teaching.
Listen to audio or watch video of past classes here.
A Land of Milk and Honey - Nature and Eretz Yisrael (Part 4) - Desert: Desolation or Refuge?
November 11, 2023
Program: e-TiM: A Land of Milk and Honey - Nature and Eretz Yisrael
Source Material: A Land of Milk and Honey - Nature and Eretz Yisrael (Part 4) Sources (PDF)
A Land of Milk and Honey - Nature and Eretz Yisrael (Part 5) - The Lion and the Lamb: Animals of the Land
November 11, 2023
Program: e-TiM: A Land of Milk and Honey - Nature and Eretz Yisrael
A Land of Milk and Honey - Nature and Eretz Yisrael (Part 6) - To Work and to Protect: Environmentalism in Judaism and in Israel Today
November 11, 2023
Program: e-TiM: A Land of Milk and Honey - Nature and Eretz Yisrael
A Closer Look at the Siddur (Part 104) - Shema: Reward and Punishment
November 10, 2023
Program: e-TiM: A Closer Look at the Siddur
Parshat Shavua 5784 with weekly guest speakers (Chayei Sara)
November 9, 2023
Program: e-TIM: Parshat HaShavuah 5784 with Weekly Guest Speakers
From Glory to Gory - The Second Book of Melakhim (Part 3)
November 8, 2023
Program: e-TiM: From Glory to Gory - The Second Book of Melakhim
Ethical Dilemmas in End-of-Life Care (Part 3) - Time of Death and Organ Donation: New Technologies and Ethical Dilemmas
November 8, 2023
Brothers - Yaakov and Esav (Part 4) - Selling the Birthright (Part 2)
November 8, 2023
Program: e-TiM: Brothers - Yaakov and Esav
Source Material: Brothers - Yaakov and Esav (Part 4) Sources (PDF)
KOHELET! The Sphinx of Scriptures (Part 12
November 7, 2023
What to Expect in the World of Expecting (Part 1) - Destroying Pre-embryos: When Does Humanity Begin?
November 6, 2023
Program: e-TiM: What to Expect in the World of Expecting
Source Material: What to Expect in the World of Expecting (Part 1) Sources (PDF)
תהילים כספר וכסיפור בתקופת מלחמת חורבת ברזל (Part 2)
November 5, 2023
The Early Prophets - One Book, One Theme (Part 31)
November 5, 2023
A Closer Look at the Siddur (Part 103) - Shema: A Sign on our Homes
November 3, 2023
Program: e-TiM: A Closer Look at the Siddur
Parshat Shavua 5784 with weekly guest speakers (Vayera)
November 2, 2023
Program: e-TIM: Parshat HaShavuah 5784 with Weekly Guest Speakers
From Glory to Gory - The Second Book of Melakhim (Part 2)
November 1, 2023
Program: e-TiM: From Glory to Gory - The Second Book of Melakhim