Podcast Episodes
Purim: A New Era
Join as we discuss how Purim ushers in a new era in Jewish history and philosophy.
Pekudei: One Year Later
Join as we discuss a very busy year for the Jewish people.
Vayakhel: Time and Space
Join as we discuss the complex relationship between Shabbat and the Mishkan
Ki Tisa: (Strange) Worship
Join as we discuss the flip side of avodah zara.
Tezaveh: The Kohen Gadol and Wall Street
Join as we discuss that the pinnacle of religious observance is to be found in the business world.
Terumah: Praying Together
Join as we discuss how the Mishkan served as a vehicle to bring Jews and non-Jews together.
Mishpatim: Law and Justice
Join as we discuss one of the primary reasons for Jewish Law
Yitro: Pre-Law
Join as we discuss why the Torah records the setting up of a court system prior to Divine Revelation.
Beshalach: Go Jump in the Lake
Join as we discuss a rabbinic debate as to what may have happened when the Jewish people faced the Red Sea.
Bo: Time to Unite
Join as we discuss why the Exodus begins with the notion of time.