A Thought for the Week

Podcast Episodes

Va'eira: The Two Births of Moshe

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss why the Moshe's genealogy is listed twice

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Shemot: What's in a Name

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss why the Book of Names has so few names.

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Vayechi: Life and Death

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss how the family reunion was rather disappointing.

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Vayigash: Counting to 70

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the Torah's use of numbers.

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Mikeitz: Confronting the Past

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss Yosef's turmoil when he sees his brothers.

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Chanukah: Why Do We Still Celebrate?

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss why Chanukah continues to be a holiday after the year 70CE

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Vayeshev: Messages for our Time

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss why the Torah is not clear as to who sold Yosef.

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Vayishlach: And He Was Alone

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the loneliness of Yaakov

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Vayetze: Some Hard Choices

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss Rachel's decision to sin for a noble cause. 

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Toldot: Opposites Attract

Speakers: Rabbi Jay Kelman

Join as we discuss the complex and tortured relationships between Yitzchak and Rivka, Yaakov and Eisav, and parents and children

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