Embark on a journey of Jewish learning and discovery, exploring the depth of our History resources, where tagged items including audio, programs, and podcast episodes await your exploration.
Rav Tabory will give the devar Torah before laining,
as well as the shiur after kiddush (approx 11:15pm) on the topic:
Our Hero in Damascus: Spying for Israel in Halacha
and he will speak at seudah shlisheet on the topic:
From Father to…
Please join us as we welcome Yair Rosenberg.
After kiddush (approx 11:20am)
Einstein and the Rabbi: The Untold Story of the Physicist's 20-Year Friendship with Rabbi Chaim Tchernowitz, and Their Conversations About the…
Dr. Marc Shapiro, Dr. Leslie Klein, Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff
We look forward to welcoming Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff, Dr. Leslie Klein and Dr. Marc Shapiro March 29-31.
Please join us for the many learning oppurtunites over Shabbat and Sunday.
At Clanton Park Synagogue
Shabbat morning derasha
Rav Kook As A…
Dr. Marc Shapiro, Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff, Dr. Leslie Klein and 1 more
9:15 am
The Yeshiva World and Rabbi Hayim of Volozhin’s American Prophecy
Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff
Shidduchim, Shandas and Shaping the Future: How Colonial Jews Helped Create the Modern Jewish World
Dr. Leslie Klein
10:05 am
The Curious…
Please join us for a weekend of learning with Sara Wolkenfeld, Director of Education at Sefaria.org
Friday Night Oneg Shabbat
Beauty and the Bandit: A Talmudic Love Story
Shiur after Kiddush:
How Busy Is Too Busy? An Ancient…
Join Rabbi Jay Kelman for his weekly Shabbat shiur at the Or Chaim Minyan, 159 Almore Ave. Toronto, one hour before mincha.
This shabbat October 20, the shiur will be at 4:55pm on the topic
Who Shall we Appoint to the Sanhedrin?
Please join us Shabbat April 29 as we welcome Dr Aaron Koller and Shira-Hecht Koller
At Or Chaim Minyan (159 Almore Ave.)
Shabbat morning parasha shiur 7:45 am
On the Role of the שעיר לעזאזל: Rambam vs. Ramban, and the Modern…
Torah in Motion is delighted to welcome Rabbi Meir Fachler as Scholar in Residence at the Or Chaim Minyan for Shabbat, Parshat Emor, May 13.
On Thursday, Rabbi Fachler presented "Learning to Think Like a Talmid Chacham: A Talmud Learning Workshop."…