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“The law of the land is the law”. This fundamental principle of law obligates Jews to be loyal citizens of whatever country they may reside. It is so important that in most circumstances of conflict between Torah and secular law it is secular law…
Can one sue for bad advice?
In the specialized marketplace in which we operate we are all dependant on advice of other, be they accountants, lawyers, real estate agents or doctors and Rabbis. What if their advice turns out to be wrong causing one a…
As we approach the year end we are bombarded with article after article explaining how a little year end planning can help us keep more of our money away from the taxman. While there is nothing unethical about limiting our individual tax burden the…
The modern day corporation has as one of its primary features the separation of the ownership and management functions. While shareholders may not escape moral responsibility of untoward acts carried on under their direction neither can the…
Health care and economics are an often volatile mix. Just ask our first ministers. The Canadian ethos is such that rich and poor are to receive (in theory) equal access to treatment. Thus the right to a CAT scan or a heart bypass should be based on…
With Canadian hockey fans facing lots of free time on Saturday nights what might Jewish law have to say about hiring replacement hockey players? Jewish labor law maintains that employees, unlike contractors, may quit their jobs on a moment’s notice…
When we think of the Yamim Noraim our thoughts focus on such items as family, prayer, repentance, health and happiness. Rarely do people dwell on the economic aspects of these days. Yet a glance at the Al Chets that we recite on Yom Kippur show the…
Judaism has never looked askance at acquiring wealth. Without livelihood there can be no Torah, our Sages declare, recognizing the absolute necessity of material comforts as a prerequisite for spiritual growth. Jewish law insisted that both our…
The Biblical prohibition against charging interest seems to be out of place in a modern day economy. Interest rates are crucial to our economy. Too high and the economy is stifled, too low and inflation runs amok. Without the benefit of paying…
We are most fortunate to live in a country where the religious rights of workers are protected. Despite the hardships it may cause employers, workers can not be let go for observing religious rituals, including taking off for the various Yamim Tovim…