Explore the treasures of TiM's teaching.
Listen to audio or watch video of past classes here.
Parshat Shavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker (Toldot)
November 4, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Parshat Hashavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker
Medieval Israel: Judaism Between the Cross and the Crescent (Part 4) - The Dreamers and Rebuilders: Rabbi Yehuda Halevi and Nachmanides
November 4, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Medieval Israel: Judaism Between the Cross and the Crescent
דוד המלך כמייסד של המדינה יהודית העצמאית הראשונה (Part 4)
November 3, 2021
Program: e-TiM: דוד המלך כמייסד של המדינה יהודית העצמאית הראשונה
Genesis: The Birthplace of Human Relationships (Part 5)
November 2, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Genesis: The Birthplace of Human Relationships
Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman (Part 10)
November 1, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman
Lost in Translation (Part 3) || Rabba Dr. Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz
November 1, 2021
From Creation to Revelation: The Biblical Theme of Seven (Part 4)
October 31, 2021
Program: eTiM: From Creation to Revelation: The Biblical Theme of Seven
A Closer Look at the Siddur (Part 5) - EiluHadevarim: Measures and Reward
October 29, 2021
Program: e-TiM: A Closer Look at the Siddur
Parshat Shavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker (Chayei Sara)
October 28, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Parshat Hashavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker
Medieval Israel: Judaism Between the Cross and the Crescent (Part 3) - The Renegades: Karaites and their opponents
October 28, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Medieval Israel: Judaism Between the Cross and the Crescent
דוד המלך כמייסד של המדינה יהודית העצמאית הראשונה (Part 3)
October 27, 2021
Program: e-TiM: דוד המלך כמייסד של המדינה יהודית העצמאית הראשונה
Genesis: The Birthplace of Human Relationships (Part 4)
October 26, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Genesis: The Birthplace of Human Relationships
Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman (Part 9)
October 25, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman