Explore the treasures of TiM's teaching.
Listen to audio or watch video of past classes here.
Genesis: The Birthplace of Human Relationships (Part 2)
October 12, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Genesis: The Birthplace of Human Relationships
Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman (Part 7)
October 11, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman
From Creation to Revelation: The Biblical Theme of Seven (Part 1)
October 10, 2021
Program: eTiM: From Creation to Revelation: The Biblical Theme of Seven
A Closer Look at the Siddur (Part 2) - Preparing for prayer; A mitzva between man and man
October 8, 2021
Program: e-TiM: A Closer Look at the Siddur
Parshat Shavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker (Noach)
October 7, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Parshat Hashavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker
Medieval Israel: Judaism Between the Cross and the Crescent (Part 1) - The Background: Crusaders and Muslims fight for the Holy Land
October 7, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Medieval Israel: Judaism Between the Cross and the Crescent
Genesis: The Birthplace of Human Relationships (Part 1)
October 5, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Genesis: The Birthplace of Human Relationships
Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman (Part 6)
October 4, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman
A Closer Look at the Siddur (Part 1) - Why we pray: Chesed and crisis; Prayer and the Temple
October 1, 2021
Program: e-TiM: A Closer Look at the Siddur
Parshat Shavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker (Breisheet)
September 30, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Parshat Hashavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker
Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker (V'zot Habracha)
September 24, 2021
Program: e-TiM Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker
Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker (Parshat Ha'azinu)
September 23, 2021
Program: e-TiM Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker
Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker (Shabbat Chol Hamoed)
September 23, 2021
Program: e-TiM Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker
Sefer Devarim-The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 15) - Re-examining Succot - in Light of Devarim Chapter 8
September 19, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible
Source Material: Sefer Devarim-The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 15) - Re-examining Succot - in Light of Devarim Chapter 8 (PDF)
Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker (Parshat Vayelech)
September 17, 2021
Program: e-TiM Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker