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Listen to audio or watch video of past classes here.
What Should I Think About When I am Hearing the Shofar?
September 1, 2021
Program: e-TiM: What Should I Think About When I am Hearing the Shofar?
Musings on the Machzor (Part 4) - U'Netaneh tokef - Source and Messages
September 1, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Musings on the Machzor
Re-experiencing the Rav's Rosh HaShana (Part 3) - Rosh Hashanah & Yom Kippur: Two Types of Yom HaDin
August 31, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Re-experiencing the Rav's Rosh HaShana
Source Material: Re-experiencing the Rav's Rosh HaShana (Part 3) || Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler (436) (PDF)
Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman (Part 4)
August 30, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman
Sefer Devarim-The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 12) - What is "Brit Nitzavim" - and Why Now in Year 40!
August 29, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Sefer Devarim - The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible
Source Material: Sefer Devarim-The Most Misunderstood Book of the Bible (Part 12) - What is "Brit Nitzavim" - and Why Now in Year 40! (PDF)
Pirkei Avot: Lessons for Today (Part 21)
August 27, 2021
Orot HaTeshuva-The Lights of Improvement in the Thought of Rav Kook (Part 3) - The Strive for Perfection is Perfection
August 26, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Orot HaTeshuva-The Lights of Improvement in the Thought of Rav Kook
Source Material: Orot HaTeshuva-The Lights of Improvement in the Thought of Rav Kook (Part 3) || Rabbi Ari Shvat (429) (PDF)
Art, Ethics, & Incantations: New Perspectives on the Yamim Noraim (Part 2) - Imitatio Dei: The Secret Formula for Forgiveness
August 26, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Art, Ethics, & Incantations: New Perspectives on the Yamim Noraim
Source Material: "Art, Ethics, & Incantations: New Perspectives on the Yamim Noraim (Part 2) || Rabbi Dr. Gil Perl (428)" (PDF)
The Haftarot: How to Profit from the Prophets (Parshat Nitzavim)
August 25, 2021
Program: e-TiM: The Haftarot: How to Profit from the Prophets
Source Material: The Haftarot: How to Profit from the Prophets (Parshat Nitzavim) Sources (PDF)
Musings on the Machzor (Part 3) - Mussaf of Rosh Hashana :Zichronot, Malchuyot, Shofarot - Source, Structure and Messages
August 25, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Musings on the Machzor
Re-experiencing the Rav's Rosh HaShana (Part 2) - Malchi'ot, Zichronot, and Shofarot
August 24, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Re-experiencing the Rav's Rosh HaShana
Source Material: Re-experiencing the Rav's Rosh HaShana (Part 2) - Malchi'ot, Zichronot, and Shofarot (PDF)
Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman (Part 3)
August 23, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Great Rabbinic Thinkers: Rabbi Saul Lieberman
Teshuva, Transgression and Transformation - A Journey through Tanach (Part 2) - The King Menashe: Complete repentance or self preservation?
August 23, 2021
Program: e-TiM: Teshuva, Transgression and Transformation - A Journey through Tanach
Source Material: "Teshuva, Transgression and Transformation - A Journey through Tanach (Part 2) || Rebecca Winter (422)" (PDF)